Friday, 31 January 2014
So we left our van in a cloudy dull Christchirch and drove up to Blenheim where it's hot and sunny.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Kaikoura Whale Watch
Today we did the Kaikoura whale watch. 2 1/2 hour boat trip along the coast chasing sperm whales. After some time thinking we wouldn't see anything eventually we saw three whales. Two of them obligingly dived revealing their tail fins. We also saw albatros a sealion and another seal colony.
The whales are huge, the photos don't really do justice to their size.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Today we drove down the East coast to Kaikoura. A beautiful hot sunny day with stunning scenery along the way. We stopped at Ohau Point to see the seals. There were many colonies to be seen with families of seals with their pups bathing in rock pools.
After a quick lunch we took a hike around the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway, an 11 Kilometer walk around the coast, taking 3 hours. It was very very hot and tiring, but worth it to see the wildlife and more dramatic scenery.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Havelock day 2
Today we took a walk along the Motuweka walkway, which was really just a pathway along a spit around the natural harbour which is Havelock. The area is a protected area for birds and we saw several varieties including black swans and a pied shag.
Tonight we're going to try another mussels restaurant and hopefully have a better experience!
On our travels again tomorrow down the east coast to Kaikoura where we have booked to go
whale watching.
whale watching.

Sunday, 26 January 2014
We drove around the Marlborough coast to Havelock, only took about an hour but has been very wet today. Havelock is the Capital of Green Lip Mussles. So tonight we went to the recommended restaurant The Slip Inn. Unfortunately a bit of a disappointment on the mussles front. Overcooked and rubbery with a range of dodgy toppings. Oh well you cant win them all! However Lindsay hadsome great Fush and Chups -as the locals say.
Fine weather predicted tomorrow, so hope to be out and about again.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Okiwi Bay
Beautiful sunny warm day today. After we left Nelson Lakes we drove up to Nelson and then on up to Okiwi Bay. Have arrived at a very small crowded campsite but in a beautiful location at the head of the bay. Hve had a swim in the sea, quite warm but glad I had my chill cheather suit!
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Kerr Bay day 2
Today we took the water taxi from the campsite up to the lakehead. We arrived safely despite being partially piloted by Hamish. It was then a three hour tramp along the lakeside alpine forest quite difficult walking at times over exposed tree roots rocks and streams and muddy patches.
Beautiful forest scenery with views accross the lake to the mountains in the background.
Now feeling quie tired but a sense of acheivement to have walked the whole length on lake Rotoiti.
Tomorrow we're moving up to Nelson and then Okiwi Bay.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Kerr Bay -Nelson Lakes National Park
We left our campsite at Hanmer Springs in bright sunshine and drove for about 4 hours north to Nelson Lakes. The scenery as usual living up to and exceeding expectations.
Now arrived at Kerr Bay camp site at the side of Lake Rotoiti. Beautiful location but feel we're going to be bothered by sandflies as very hot and muggy. We've already had a trip to the shop for anti mozzie creams spray and insect killers plus antihistamines!
Our camp is at the side of the lake with beautiful views up into the mountains. Hoping to take a hike tomorrow arround the lake shoreline with Avrael and the kids.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Hanmer Springs
Lovely rainy day, just like Scotland, gorgeous scenery all shrouded in mist.
We decided that we should have a walk in the morning and a laze in the afternoon, so we did just that,
There were some beautiful forest trails where we were protected from the worst rain, and Rogerr took a photo of a particularly beautiful toadstool, and later of a rather ugly van! ( ours!)
As age is catching up with us we will be going to the hot springs shortly and have a soak before dinner, Roger will rest his knees and my feet should feel the benefit! Treat tonight with dinner out, it was interesting cooking last night as we had not done it in such a confined space for 2 years......will be practising for the next 2 nights when Avrael and the kids join us! Off to Nelson Lakes tomorrow.
Back from the springs.....lovely, puts the old hot tub to shame! Makes you sleepy though, do not think we will need much rocking. Night night. Xx
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Christchurch day 2
Took a trip into Christchurch looking around the city centre where lots of buildings are still quake damaged and waiting to be demolished. The shopping centre is thriving however with trading out of shipping containers acting as temporary shops and lots of street entertainers.
We then went up the cable car which has only recently reopened. Fantastic views around the Christchurch area.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Arrived at Christchurch at about 11:40 local time. Got through airport pretty quickly. The only delay was to have Lindsays boots cleaned and dipped!
We were met by Avrael and have just had a pleasant lunch with the family before checking into our B&B.
Having a rest before going out to explore Sumner.
Weather is lovely after leaving cold damp UK, I think I'll need to get my shorts on!
Took a stroll on the beach - good to get a smell of sea air to stave off the tiredness.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Had a pretty good flight to Singapore. Managed a few hours sleep. Not sure what time of the day it is -travelling through time zones really messes with your brain!
Just had breakfast and now having pre dinner drinks! Lindsay raving about beef noodles for breakfast.
Next posting will be from Christchurch.
We arrived at Heathrow earlier and are now waiting for our flight which departs at 18:15.
All's gone smoothly so far despite a bit of difficulty finding the car rental drop off.
Looking forward to some great food on Singapore Airlines.
A big thanks to all our friends and family who have put us up over the past 2 weeks.
Will try another update when we arrive in Singapore.
Monday, 13 January 2014
We are now in Nantwich, staying with Ailsa and family.
Great to see the kids and catching up with them. Starting to realise we will miss friends and family while we are away. But will look forward to email Facebook Skype etc...
Returning back down south tomorrow for the last few days in the UK.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Greetings from Kelso
Greetings from Kelso
Happy New Year to everybody. We're on our travels now and will be posting more updates soon.
You can sign up for email updates at the bottom of the page.
Roger and Lindsay
Happy New Year to everybody. We're on our travels now and will be posting more updates soon.
You can sign up for email updates at the bottom of the page.
Roger and Lindsay
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
So today we've left home. Had an exhausting few days packing up everything in boxes and cases, but eventually left at 2pm and have started our travels.
Tonight we're staying in Huntingdon on our way up to Scotland. Looking forward to catching up with friends and family before we fly out in 16th.
Happy New Year to all we've not spoken to yet.
Love from Roger and Lindsay x
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